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Trends in Vocational Education

The school in the future may look different from the school we see today. The vocational education will use ICT (information and communications technology) more and in a different ways than today. ICT has the potential to allow more self-paced, interactive and personalised learning.

There has been a dramatic growth of information easy available. In addition, it is easy for anyone to upload materials. The teacher’s role may be to help the student to use this information. Moreover, to help the student to develop the critical capacity to use and contribute to this wealth of information.

The changes in our everyday life can enlightening the rapid development that we will see in the school. We can look at the continuing evolution of the Internet. We can now buy our groceries, pay our bills, watch films and attend meetings without ever leaving our homes. We tend to trust the information presented online, using virtual searches to better understand a plethora of complex information, including health and legal issues. Our language reflects this change: words like “google”, “tweet” and “skype” have become verbs that are incorporated seamlessly into conversation. These technological developments have opened up new markets for the education sector, including online courses and distance learning. They have also transformed our understanding of teaching and learning; for example, virtual learning platforms allow for professors and students to interact yet be in different physical environments (TRENDS SHAPING EDUCATION 2016 – OECD)

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